Pediatrician In Seattle

Bright & Early in the Journey

“Dream Big Little One” ~ Anonymous

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Welcome to Village Medicine

Your Child’s Wellness


Integrative medicine is great for providing kids with the tools they need to thrive in today’s complicated world. Young bodies and minds are extremely adaptive and responsive to natural methods used in our practice. We work with your kids to maintain strong, communicative bonds so they feel empowered and supported throughout their lives.

It’s a collaborative process between you, your child, and their pediatrician in Seattle. We collaborate on information about their bodies, action steps for prevention and maintenance of health, and an awareness practice to help develop their innate empathetic biology.

Some of the principles of naturopathic and integrative medicine may be different from what you’ve been exposed to in the past, so we intentionally take the time to fully explain everything to both parents and children.

When patients understand the process and the real benefits they get from our integrative approach, they become more active participants in their own wellness journey.

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Services for Children:


Well Child Care

Routine and “As Needed” Care For Your Child

  • Comprehensive health history & physical examination

  • Routine screening tests

  • Growth and development assessment

  • Nutrition evaluation and advice

  • Behavioral assessment and guidance

  • Sleep discussion and plan

  • Childhood safety

  • Anticipatory guidance

  • Vaccine consultation and prescriptions for administration

  • Sports physicals

Chronic Illness & Diagnostic Consults

Testing To Get To The Root Of The Problem

  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis

  • SIBO Testing

  • Neurotransmitter Testing

  • Genetic Testing

  • Food Allergy and Sensitivity Testing

  • Nutrient Analysis


Village Medicine Specializations

To Ensure Your Child’s Well-being

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Hashimoto’s, JRA, IBD & Celiac Disease
  • Food allergies and sensitivities

  • Environmental allergies

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Digestive Maladies
  • ADHD

  • Mood Disorders

  • Behavioral problems

  • Recurrent and frequent illness and infections

  • Recurrent fever syndromes

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Immune system evaluation and support

  • Sleep disorders, insomnia

Why get pediatric care at Village Medicine?


Child and Family-Centered Care

We partner with you and your child to determine the best approach to evaluate and treat them as whole individuals with complex needs and feelings.

Comprehensive Testing

Your pediatrician in Seattle is committed to getting to the root of the problem. Our advanced testing goes beyond the industry standard to get the most accurate results.

Doctor as Teacher

Open communication goes both ways. We believe in walking you and your child through every step of the process and providing useful knowledge along the way.

What to Expect

The Pediatric Journey at Village Medicine


At your child’s first appointment, our pediatrician in Seattle will get to know both of you. We’ll ask about your child’s medical history, prescribed medication, and any health concerns they might have.


While your child continues to grow, they will need to be cared for to set them up for lifelong wellness. Your child’s physical, mental, and spiritual health are all important pieces of their wellness puzzle. Our team of integrative physicians and healers work together to treat your child’s unique needs in body, mind, and spirit.

Your Ongoing Journey

Every wellness journey benefits from support. Village Medicine is here to provide holistic support for every member of the family no matter where they’re at on the journey.

Vaccine Consultations

Many confusing and controversial issues are associated with the decision about whether to vaccinate your child. There are two apparent opposing sides, both of which seem to be backed up by “scientific” data

In our experience, vaccines seem to be well tolerated by healthy children in the short run. That being said, we believe it is far too complicated to evaluate the real long-term impact at this time. For this reason, we are cautious.

We believe that one size does not fit all and that a vaccination schedule should be tailored to a specific child’s exposure and risk. We use evidence-based research to help guide our patients and their family’s decisions.

You want the best for your kids. We help your children become happier, healthier, and more compassionate.

Tonight You Belong to Me

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of specialized care do you provide?

Some our pediatric specializations include:

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Hashimoto’s, JRA, IBD & Celiac Disease
  • Food allergies and sensitivities

  • Environmental allergies

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Digestive Maladies
  • ADHD

  • Mood Disorders

  • Behavioral problems

  • Recurrent and frequent illness and infections

  • Recurrent fever syndromes

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Immune system evaluation and support

  • Sleep disorders, insomnia

Should I vaccinate my child?

Many confusing and controversial issues are associated with the decision about whether to vaccinate your child. There are two apparent opposing sides, both of which seem to be backed up by “scientific” data.

In our experience, vaccines seem to be well tolerated by healthy children in the short run. That being said, we believe it is far too complicated to evaluate the real long-term impact at this time. For this reason, we are cautious.

We believe that one size does not fit all and that a vaccination schedule should be tailored to a specific child’s exposure and risk. We use evidence-based research to help guide our patients and their family’s decisions.

Do you provide annual checkups?

Yes, we absolutely do. Your pediatrician in Seattle does more than treat illnesses and manage diseases. We provide annual checkups to support your growing child’s health and ever-evolving needs.

What kinds of testing do you do?

Some of the tests we provide include:

  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis

  • SIBO Testing

  • Neurotransmitter Testing

  • Genetic Testing

  • Food Allergy and Sensitivity Testing

  • Nutrient Analysis

Get Started

Tell us more about you and your needs using our Treatment Planning Tool.

Select your concerns, and we’ll provide custom treatment recommendations for your unique needs.

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