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Meet Dr. Louise Berkowicz

Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression

Louise believes in a heart-centered approach to partnering with patients, helping them to recognize inner strength and beauty, and listening deeply to their body and mind.

Dr. Louise Berkowicz believes in listening deeply to your body and mind. She works in partnering with patients to recognize their inner strength and inner beauty, with energy medicine, heart-centered hypnotherapy, and past life regression therapy.

Louise’s Philosophy of Medicine

Having had the privilege of seeing and treating patients in many different disciplines, I believe the holistic approach works the best.. Energy medicine is a discipline that allows for everyone to access what is going on for them on an emotional level. and we cannot separate physical, emotional and spiritual sides of ourselves

Education & Training

  • Internship. 1974  Surgery. Ob/Gyn in South Africa
  • Obstetrics. 1975. London UK
  • Pediatrics 1976 to 1977. Residency  Cape Town South Africa
  • Genetics/Family practice. 1977 to 1979 Cape Town South Africa
  • Emergency Medicine 1980 to 1981. Bermuda
  • Family practice  / Pediatrics. 1982 to 1983 Cape Town South Africa
  • Solo family practice 1984 to 1993. Cape Town
  • Hyperbaric Medicine/ Wound care. 1994 to 1998 Houston Texas
  • Geriatric fellowship. 2000 to 2001 Tacoma. Washington
  • Family practice Bellevue Washington 2001 to 2010
  • Energy Medicine Seattle  WA.   2010 to present
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Love sunrises – Wonderment of watching the sun rise.

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