Welcome to Village Medicine
Spirituality Mind-Body Medicine
It’s all connected—our thoughts, sensations, and feelings. Your innate spirituality, your mind, and your body are all part of the same tapestry, intricately and colorfully woven together. In our Spirituality Mind-Body group classes, we explore the scientific basis of these connections.
Our approach to wellness is grounded in practical, evidence-based skills for self-care, nutrition, self-awareness, and group support. We practice mind-body skills based on Center for Mind-Body Medicine, such as meditation, biofeedback, guided imagery, and self-expression in drawings, words, and pictures.
Join us for our spirituality classes in Seattle to nurture your spiritual connections and practice scientifically validated skills for reducing stress and restoring physical and psychological health.
You can enroll in the group class through our Patient Portal.
Not a member yet? Fill out our New Patient Registration form.
What We’ll Explore
- The science behind spirituality and its connection to our minds and bodies
- Self-awareness
- Self-care & nutrition
- Population-wide trauma
- Spirituality as a protective factor against mental illness
- Spirituality across the lifespan
Why attend mind-body spirituality classes in Seattle?
Develop Tools
Learn to incorporate tools like meditation and creative self expression into your daily self-care practice.
Get In Touch With Your Spirituality
Spirituality isn’t about being religious; it’s about being an integrated human.
Experience Healing
Spirituality opens us up to inner healing as well as community healing.

The Process
How Spirituality Mind-Body Group Classes Work
To enroll in this exciting experience, please visit the “Class Registration” tab of your portal and complete the Mind Body Medicine Registration form. Please ensure your preferred card for payment is updated under “Payments & Invoices.”
Learn & Grow
We’re all spiritual beings whether we know it or not. Getting in touch with your own spirituality is important step in optimizing your whole-person wellness.
Community Building
Hear from others in the group, and share your own unique experience in a supportive environment. It takes a village to to transform individual and collective trauma into opportunities for spiritual awakening.
“Science has shown that through suffering we can deepen our spiritual awareness to a more awakened understanding of life.”
~ Dr. Lisa Miller

Frequently Asked Questions
- What spiritual practices are the classes compatible with?
Our Spirituality Mind Body course is compatible with all spiritual and religious traditions and is not religious in scope or focus.
- What is spirituality?
Spirituality is the transcendent awareness of the energy that connects all life forms. Spiritual practice is about opening up the energy connections within you and opening up your energy connections to every living thing. Through spirituality classes in Seattle, you can become more aware of spiritual practices and integrate them into your daily life.
- When can I enroll for the course?
Enrollment typically opens 2 months prior to the start date. If the group still has room, enrollment can be allowed as late as the day of the first session.
Get Started
Tell us more about you and your needs using our Treatment Planning Tool.
Select your concerns, and we’ll provide custom treatment recommendations for your unique needs.